This article explains how and when documents are counted towards your monthly limit.

As a general rule, every document uploaded into our system counts towards your monthly quota regardless if you export the file into your accounting software or not.

This includes forwarded emails that are not bills or receipts (e.g. statements or reports). The reason for this is that our system treats every email as a new bill and runs a full analysis on the document which creates processing costs on our side. You need to be careful when you e.g. set up automatic email forwarding as every email counts towards your monthly quota regardless if you delete the document later or not.

When you set up a new processing rule and would like to test the rule, you should not test it by uploading the same document multiple times as this counts towards your monthly quota. Instead you should use the "Resubmit for processing" feature as this does not count towards the limit. Please the the link below for details.

What's next?
Testing rules and resubmitting documents for processing